
Function Name Function Description Function Tags
S_STORE Stores session key data session, key, data, store
S_GET($key) Retrieve saved session key session, key, data, get
DO_ASSOC_QUERY($sql) Return associated query from SQL query, assoc, sql, db
DO_QUERY($sql) Return query from SQL db, doquery, sql
DEBUGLOG($str) Write to text file for debugLog in pseudoForms debug, alert, string
NEW_ARRAY Returns a new array array, new, return
READ_ARRAY($arr,$idx1,$idx2='',$idx3='') Look at and retrieve array based on index array, retrieve, index
WRITE_ARRAY Look at index arguments and write array write, array, index
SPACE($repeat,$char=' ') PICK function, repeat string with character PICK, repeat, string, char
RND($max,$min=0) Generate random number based on Mersenne Twister mt_rand, random, number, generator
_ABS($val) Return absolute positive value abs, absolute number, value
NUM($val) Checks whether variable is number or numeric string is_numeric, variable, number, numeric string
NOT($val) returns the "not" value (boolean operator) not, !, boolean, operator
REM($num,$div) Divides (gets remainder) num by div remainder, %, divides
INT($val) Returns integer value of variable integer, value, variable
LEN($val) Returns length of value (string) length, value, string
_TIME() Number of seconds since midnight time, seconds
_DATE($a1=-1,$a2=-1) Days since PICK (1967-12-31), or PHP date if arg1 is used date, days, arg1
_TIMEDATE() Takes time and date and converts string to uppercase time, date, uppercase, string
_COUNT($haystack,$needle,$offset=0) Counts number of substring (needle) occurences needle, haystack, count, substring
_DCOUNT($haystack,$needle) Splits array then counts arrays needle, haystack, explodes, count, array
_SPLIT($haystack,$needle) Splits string into substrings (needle) needle, haystack, explodes, splits, substring
_MD5($text) Calculates MD5 hash of string MD5, string, hash
_COMBINE($pieces,$glue) Returns string from defined elements string, implode, array
_REPLACE_NLS($var,$am=-2,$vm=-2,$sm=-2,$set=-2) Find and replace national language support languages language, replace, international
_REPLACE() Find and replace language, replace, find
_XEXTRACT() Extend and extract for complex DIMS extract, DIMS, extend
_XREPLACE() Replaces vm/sm in array where elements are AMs replace, vm, sm, AMs, array
_EXTRACT_NLS($var,$am=-2,$vm=-2,$sm=-2) Extracts national language support language, extract, international
London, ON, Canada
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Maryland, NY, USA

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